2008-08-15 17:12:21 UTC
Dear all,
I want to setup AD to ADAM sync and everything works fine so far. But
during /sync command I get following error:
Processing Entry: Page 1, Frame 1, Entry 10, Count 1, USN 0
Processing source entry <guid=bfbd971e58030f43abcabf91bfa284c9>
Processing in-scope entry bfbd971e58030f43abcabf91bfa284c9.
Adding target object
Adding attributes: sourceobjectguid, sn, c, l, title, description,
postalCode, postOfficeBox, physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
telephoneNumber, givenName, instanceType, displayName, co, department,
company, streetAddress, userAccountControl, codePage, countryCode,
primaryGroupID, objectSid, accountExpires, sAMAccountName,
userPrincipalName, mail, mobile, lastagedchange, objectclass,
Ldap error occured. ldap_add_sW: Unwilling To Perform.
Extended Info: 000020E7: SvcErr: DSID-03152AA9, problem 5003
(WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 1317
With option /force -1 all OUs and so on are created successfully. Only
user objects will not be created and result in same error above.
It could be something with the objectSID as stated in this link
But I've no idea how to resolve this!
As background: The server which is running ADAM is not in the source
domain of this snyc process. It's not in a domain at all.
Thanks for any help in advance!
I want to setup AD to ADAM sync and everything works fine so far. But
during /sync command I get following error:
Processing Entry: Page 1, Frame 1, Entry 10, Count 1, USN 0
Processing source entry <guid=bfbd971e58030f43abcabf91bfa284c9>
Processing in-scope entry bfbd971e58030f43abcabf91bfa284c9.
Adding target object
Adding attributes: sourceobjectguid, sn, c, l, title, description,
postalCode, postOfficeBox, physicalDeliveryOfficeName,
telephoneNumber, givenName, instanceType, displayName, co, department,
company, streetAddress, userAccountControl, codePage, countryCode,
primaryGroupID, objectSid, accountExpires, sAMAccountName,
userPrincipalName, mail, mobile, lastagedchange, objectclass,
Ldap error occured. ldap_add_sW: Unwilling To Perform.
Extended Info: 000020E7: SvcErr: DSID-03152AA9, problem 5003
(WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 1317
With option /force -1 all OUs and so on are created successfully. Only
user objects will not be created and result in same error above.
It could be something with the objectSID as stated in this link
But I've no idea how to resolve this!
As background: The server which is running ADAM is not in the source
domain of this snyc process. It's not in a domain at all.
Thanks for any help in advance!